Trout depend on cold, clear, clean water to survive and thrive. In many, if not most, watersheds, those vital characteristics are constantly under threat. As anglers, we must remain vigilant if we wish our children and grandchildren to have the same (or better) fishing opportunities as we have enjoyed. Consider giving the gift of stewardship. Most anglers would appreciate a gift membership in a fisheries conservation organization or a donation made on their behalf.
Trout Unlimited is the most obvious choice for a national coldwater fisheries conservation organization. Give a gift membership. Membership includes a subscription to Trout magazine, an annual calendar, and membership in the nearest local chapter, which allows the recipient to participate in informational meetings and volunteer opportunities such as river cleanups. While you’re at it, get yourself a membership and plan to attend chapter events with the gift recipient.
There are a number of other organizations, both local and national, that focus either directly or indirectly on fisheries conservation. The International Federation of Fly Fishers, for example, has conservation as part of its mission. Do an internet search or ask other anglers, and you might turn up an organization that is fighting for the conservation of a local watershed or fish species.
Prefer to make a donation in the recipient’s behalf? Again, there are numerous organizations that could use financial assistance, ranging from TU to the fight against the Pebble Mine in Alaska to local conservation groups. Choose one that the recipient would support and send them a card detailing the contribution and its intent. Give by giving back!
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