On today’s date, March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National park was formed by an act of Congress “as a public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” In 2016, on “Super Tuesday,” it’s difficult to imagine a time where our politicians could actually work together for the benefit of the people. But it must have happened. We have the Park.
I spend a lot of time fishing and hiking in Yellowstone–usually 2 to 3 days a week from May to November. There’s no place like it on Earth. Here’s just a few of my many Yellowstone National Park photos from last year:
The Yellowstone River’s Lower Falls
A bison enjoying an Old Faithful eruption
A small portion of the Grand Prismatic Spring
Hot springs enter the Upper Firehole
Dodging bison and bears on Slough Creek
A beautiful hopper-eating cutthroat from the Lamar River
A bull elk lounging in the trees
Empty Salmonfly shucks still clinging where the adults emerged
I can’t wait to see what Yellowstone 2016 will bring!
Comment On Happy Birthday Yellowstone National Park
Beautiful pictures! I hope to visit again someday!